When Nightly News comes on here in California, it's got this little area of the screen that says "West Coast Edition". Growing up on east coast viewing times (although I grew up in the central time zone), I never noticed or thought of how there are two different productions in some shows. West coast time didn't exist. Well, here I am living on west coast time.
As a new chapter of our lives begin, so does a new blog. This is the west coast edition of our lives. We prayed for a new place to live, an adventure to take on together and here we have it. I need this to capture our daily stories, and maybe relive the stories that got us here. We did a lot of waiting. Each second of waiting and pursuing God's plan provided us with another story of how faithful God is. I long to share those stories too.
So if you will, accept this invitations to remain a part of our lives, though we are around 1700 miles from home. Do know that we long to remain in the thoughts and prayers of each reader and friend, as our journey has taken us here but it is hardly the destination!
Sidenote: Special thanks to Tyler for giving me a pretty sweet blog!