It's been approximately 405 days since I've seen all of our belongings besides clothes and a few daily needs. It's been that long since Tyler and I have lived - just the two of us. I counted up the times that we loaded and unloaded all of our boxes in vehicles to be moved from one place to another. It all started last July when we moved most of our stuff from Webb City to Owasso. Then a little over a month ago we moved them from Owasso to a garage in Tracy. Finally last week we moved them in to our house. I was very thankful when I realized I don't have to stare at the boxes anymore wondering what's in side of them.
Yes there have been a few surprises, random things I forgot about. One thing in particular I have to mention specifically. These gloves:
Not very long ago my sister (Lydia) surprised me with these gloves. One thing my family learned about me over the last year is that I cannot stand for my hands to be wet. I hate the feeling of it- even worse I hate how dry my hands feel after. So I used gloves for dishes...but also for laundry. The transfer of wet clothes to the dryer or to hangers to be hung, drove me crazy. So she bought me these super cute gloves! I finally opened them up today to start using. This is the biggest and best surprise because of this:
That's right- no dishwasher. It wasn't ever something I considered not having, it just so happens the house we ended up liking most just didn't have one. So thank you so much Lydia, you win the prize for best idea: cute and fun gloves! Because boy oh boy, am I doing a lot more dishes than normal.
Another great surprise I had was this:
Last fall/winter, I searched everywhere for my scarves! I was just so sure that I clearly labeled the boxes. I could picture the boxes with labels in my head but could not find them anywhere. We even went to our storage unit once and looked at every single box because I was so sure that we could find them since it was labeled. Well. Clever me, I then put these shoe boxes into a bigger box. Not labeled scarves but simply "storage". So I have been waiting for this day for a long time, to finally find my scarves! I can now wear them with more joy than ever before.
So far those are the highlights of my unpacking. I have made a ton of progress but still have a ways to go. We are only painting one room in this house and it happens to be our bedroom so right now I am at somewhat of a standstill until we paint and get moved in. Only having one car and then the fact that we have youth events on Tuesday and Wednesday has hindered us from getting all the paint stuff figured out. So once we've painted and I get this house all put together, there will be a post dedicated to the house and all it's glory and quirks!