Have you ever gotten to the point where you feel the need to withdraw from social media? I've gone through some points where I just spend too much time worrying about other people's lives. It can be pretty consuming! So from time to time, I'll take (or Tyler and I will both take) a break from social media.
Well, I'm taking a break from Facebook.
These "breaks" usually have a time frame. This break does not.
Normally, I would not like to share this media fast. It seems kind of like a show off. "Oh I'm so God-centered that I take time from social media." In all honesty, I have deactivated my Facebook accounted because of how much it takes away from me and God. It's less about how it's healthy to take a break and more about how unhealthy the habit has become.
You may not have this problem, but I sure do. Comparison. And quite frankly, I was not at all aware of comparison stealing my joy until I heard someone else talk about it... I realized that it is exactly what I'm going through.
Do you put your dirty laundry out in the front yard for anyone to see? No.
On a first date, do you tell the potential mate about all of your baggage? No.
Do you post on Facebook about the sins you've committed, or the ways you've wronged people around you? I'd guess no.
But we do try and make our lawn look nice, right?
We try to make ourselves as appealing as possible on a first date, highlighting our degrees and achievements.
We post our pictures of smiling kids and families, clean and remodeled homes, and the perfect moments of our lives.
And I'm not saying that that is a bad thing. For one thing, I'm still using Instagram and Twitter because frankly, they don't create nearly the same problem in my personal life that Facebook does. What I am saying is that as a reader of Facebook, I only see the good in your life. I only see the highlights, the celebrations, and the best parts of my "Facebook friends'" lives. I do not see the bad parts, the struggles, the hardships. But I see my own hardships and I compare them to another persons' highlights.
This creates the desire for more- for different things that I can't or simply don't have. It creates a wedge between me and God. I start to ask Him why others around me get what they want but I don't. I start to think God just doesn't want to bless me as much as He blesses others. This, my friends, is so unhealthy for me.
It's still a struggle even without Facebook because hey, it happens in my everyday life, too. I am currently looking for a job, two friends of mine started looking around the same time I did... I've sent out at least 12 applications. Anything from retail to school jobs, and nothing. Not a single phone call. And ya know what? My friends got jobs pretty much right away. Talk about jealousy. Talk about comparison. What doesn't look good on my application? Why don't people want to hire me? I'm a great, hard worker. I know this, why can't they see it?
But here's what I constantly have to remember: God's plan for my life is vastly different from His plan for yours. Comparing my life to others is hardly ever a good thing. It either creates jealousy and pain for me, or it fills my soul with pride that does not belong there. Comparison has stolen my joy one too many times.