Here's the thing about me and blogging: I don't do it sometimes. When I don't do it that could mean a couple of things: life is really slow and uneventful or life is so eventful that it's much too personal to share in the moment. The latter is the case as of late. I'm a big picture kind of writer. I don't love to send out bits and pieces of important happenings. I want to wait until I can tell you about my struggle and how God pulled me through it to redemption, peace, joy, or whatever the ultimate "win" of that struggle is. God's been teaching me that my plans and His plans for me are two vastly different sets of plans. And someday I'll be able to share what my plans were and what His plans are, because I'm convinced that someone out there needs to know how God moves among His people today and boy has He been moving.
On a different note...
Life over the last couple of months has been quite interesting! After Elizabeth visited in May, I had plans for Lydia to come in June! All I had to do was get through a month and the next visitor would arrive. Not long before Lydia was supposed to come, my mom got very sick and we decided quickly that we needed a change of plans. There's no way Lyd could leave mom and dad at home without any family members in town, especially taking care of Brynlee. Plus Lyd and Elizabeth both needed some breaks and help with the ol' parentals! So change of plans: I went home. There were no plans for me (or us) to go home for a long time, but desperate times call for desperate measures. I got to spend 8 long and wonderful days at home, and all family members except Tyler were together for several days.
This trip was desperately needed. When I moved to California, I never imagined that my dad would end up in the hospital twice (once for planned surgery, once an unplanned visit) and my mom would end up in the hospital for a lovely (from what I hear =)) 8 day visit, all within a few months of each other. I didn't plan on that, neither did they of course. It's tough to be so far away and just need to be with your family. That's one big lesson I've been learning since the end of February. Sometimes all you need is your family and sometimes you just can't have that, and it's seriously rough. I'm so thankful for Tyler and his patience, understanding, and comfort through all the difficult moments in the last several months. I'm also so thankful for a church family and great Bible study ladies to pray so much for me and my family, so many of them knowing what it's like to be far from "home".
I will always be thankful for this trip home. I got to spend ample time with my parents, both sisters, brother(s in law), and nieces and nephew. What a last-minute, unplanned blessing. I guess that's the beauty. Sometimes my plans don't happen, but things happen in a way that so much joy can be found. While I hate that my mother was sick and my reason for going home was not a great one, I think it was healing for me to be around my whole family for a time.
Now I'm prepping to spend two weeks this month in Southern California for CIY Move and Mix. I could not be more excited to get out of town with 21 of our high school students and focus on what God has for us at Move. It's been 4 years since I've been to a week long youth event and I'm so ready! Camp and Youth Quake were such a HUGE part of my life growing up so I'm pretty pumped to go as a leader and experience Move for the first time. Plus, I've always wanted to visit SoCal and I'm finally getting the chance!
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